>> Hello,
>> I stumbled across this recently:
>> https://www.raspberrypi.org/products/raspberry-pi-4-model-b/
>> I can use some guidance and advice from folks who have experience
>> with Raspberry Pi's. What I read so far looks good but I have questions.
> [ ... ]
>> How hot does the unit become ? Does it require an add on fan shim ? Or
>> will work fine without one ?
>[ ... ]
 the 8GB Pi4B which had been running idle
> overnight, and the air temperature in the case near the processor read
> 37degC.  A few minutes work with GIMP brought that slowly to 42.4degC.

Thinking some more, the USB connections to my desktop Pi are keyboard,
mouse, and a powered USB hub (plus an itinerant powered USB disk drive.) 
The Pi4 is spec'ed to provide up to 1.2A to USB peripherals.  The fact
that my system is hardly drawing any of that probably has a lot to do with
its running so cool.

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