On Fri, Apr 09, 2021 at 01:58:02PM -0400, David Mason via talk wrote:
> The key part of what Lennart wrote is “if done right”. How could you imagine 
> that the functional program would return the results out of order? 
> Compilers/interpreters are allow to make whatever optimizations they want, as 
> long as time and memory consumption are the only things that change from the 
> original!

Certainly if I have a list of numbers 3 6 4 9 2 and I say, add 2 to
each thing in this list, I don't really care what order that is done it,
how many threads are working on it, as long as the result is 5 8 6 11 4.
If the order was different, then the language is broken.  I don't think
any of the functional languages woudl mes that up.

> XSLT is a very specific functional language, designed for a very particular 
> job, which (from my limited experience) it does somewhere between 
> “adequately" and “very well”. But while it may be Turing complete, it is not 
> a general purpose language and I would not want to program such problems with 
> it!!! Pure lambda-calculus and Turing machines are also Turing complete, but 
> you sure wouldn’t want to be programming in those either.

No kidding.

> Haskell, Scheme, OCaML, Erlang/Elixir, Scala are much, much friendlier 
> languages for general purpose programming. All the ML dialects, as well as 
> Scheme and Scala support more imperative programming as well, that can help 
> with the transition.

I haven't used any of them very much, but the bits I have done was
very nice.

ML's polymorphism is such a neat way to handle things.

Len Sorensen
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