Stewart C. Russell via talk wrote on 2023-04-24 19:44:

For security, of course deprecation can be a good idea. But this isn't for security. This is merely FSF being petty.

Yeah, it's weird.

root@b0x1 [~]
└─» # for F in $(which egrep fgrep rgrep) ; do file ${F}; cat ${F} ; echo ; done
/usr/bin/egrep: POSIX shell script, ASCII text executable
exec grep -E "$@"

/usr/bin/fgrep: POSIX shell script, ASCII text executable
exec grep -F "$@"

/usr/bin/rgrep: POSIX shell script, ASCII text executable

exec grep -r "$@"

There's not much to maintain there, doesn't make sense.


>  The egrep and fgrep commands, which have been deprecated since
>  release 2.5.3 (2007), now warn that they are obsolescent and should
>  be replaced by grep -E and grep -F

Huh.  Deprecated since 2007, that's quite a while.

Have various distros been substituting redirect shell scripts in lieu of separate binaries?

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