On Wed, 13 Sep 2023 15:08:02 -0400
Peter King via talk <talk@gtalug.org> wrote:

> But more importantly: I am way too busy right now to do the replacement 
> myself.  So, does anyone have any recommendations for good reliable 
> computer repair work, someone or some company I can just take this to 
> and tell them to do it?  I am located in the Junction.  I used to use 
> A2Z Computers, which was great, but that business didn't make it through 
> the pandemic.  I suppose I could take it to Canada Computers or 
> someplace like that, but I though their work was only just adequate and 
> priced high at that.
> Any common wisdom about who might be good for this job? Thanks!\


   I try very hard to fix my computers myself.  I especially do not like 
leaving my unencrypted hard drives in strange places.  

   Located very near Canada Computers in Etobicoke is Memory Express 
(https://www.memoryexpress.com).  The technician routed and clamped down the 
cables in my desktop, and did not charge me for it.  He did talk me into buying 
a solid state drive for my M.2 socket.  So far, I am very happy with it.

Howard Gibson 
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