Also, you could buy a second keyboard with a NumLock key. Many are quite
inexpensive. Even with my notebook, I use an external keyboard whenever I
can. Here's a post on this where someone on a Dell forum wrote about this
concern. One of the responses reads as follows:

You could attach any usb keyboard you want--wired or wireless. You don't
have to use the kb dell sent. I  always use my own keyboard and save the
basic dell one as an extra.

-----Original Message-----
From: Talk
[] On
Behalf Of Rick Thomas via Talk
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2015 6:38 AM
To: 'Rod Hutton'; 'Window-Eyes Discussion List'; 'David'
Subject: RE: Screen Reader compatible Keyboards. Was: Re: speaking of Dell

Hi Rod:
There are standard codes generated by input devices and required at the
Operating System level.
This means that using quote standard unquote key combinations should be a
safe option for years to come.
I don't know enough to get into the codes nor standards but I know they
exist and that a keyboard manufacturer designs it to work with an Operating
Systems input device requirements in that respect.
The elimination of some keys from the mix causes a problem as well defined
in prior postings.
That said, ReDefining the keys that are going to be in question to some more
traditional keys like combinations of the control, shift and other grammar
keys should be an option - at least for single country usage and targeted to
a particular Operating system unless I am missing something.
It can be done by AI Squared or by each client individually using some third
party software but, from prior postings, it can be done easily enough so
long as the client is educated in creating scripts or in using third party
software to modify hardware / software configurations - not my first choice
but one that should work if that is how WE Users want to roll.
Anyway, this seems to be the most likely solution after everyone pounding
out various ideas.
If I buy a new system I will just ask folks what keyboards they are using,
name and model, so long as there are still good choices out there before
coding something up.
Rick USA

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