True, we could have separate dictionaries for each synth. But we can't define the language due to the way they work. Or we could and we'd be complaining about the sluggishness of speech due to Window-Eyes having to consult an entire dictionary every time it wants to push a single word out to the synth.

And then there's the contextual pronunciation quagmires that we can do nothing about other than be sunk in forever.

I've always been too thankful for what GW and now AI has given me since day one with VocalEyes to be obsessing over the imperfections that will always exist. It's the nature of the beast. And in this case the real beasts are the synthesizers. I switched from a DecTalk hardware unit a couple years ago after twenty years to various software synths that are much easier on the ears. But be it that they're software instead of essentially a mini computer they all exhibit much more mispronunciations. And for me it's worth it. The little annoyance factor sure outweighs the pounding head I had by the end of every day with all the robotic hardware synths I had.

And the saddest part is that today we could build an incredible hardware synth. But no one is willing to pay for much of anything these days. So there's no market for it.


On 5/29/2015 11:03 PM, wrote:
Not so, you could at least have exception dictionaries specific for each
synth, that should have been done ages ago.  Also, a lot of them
automatically think something is an abreviation when it is not, so you
get some very strange things from some of them -- the actual ones escape
me  at the moment, but you know what I mean.

Tom Kingston via Talk <> wrote:


Regarding your desire for a pronunciation dictionary? This isn't
possible. The speech synthesizers are completely independent of
Window-Eyes. They're made by other companies and they all have
different quirks. So there's no way for the folks at AI (or any other
screen-reader developers) to do anything about it.

That's why Window-Eyes has the exception dictionary feature. But you
don't want to use it to fix every little quirk in a synth because all
text queued for voicing must query the dictionary before being sent to
the synthesizer. This is why most of them have commercial versions for
dedicated systems such as phone services. And these commercial
versions have the tools to create pronunciation dictionaries and embed
them into the synthesizer itself.

And if you use more than one synthesizer you'll see differences in
what's pronounced right and wrong between them.


On 5/29/2015 7:46 PM, Ted Larson via Talk wrote:
First, I would like to know what is hogging the system, taking away
resources from the application I am working on.
Second, Sometimes a dialog box appears without telling me anything and
then disappears within a couple of seconds without a clue.
Third:  It would be nice to have all words that window-eyes cannot
pronounce correctly, to be updated through a dictionary where those
words could be found and spoken correctly.  Thanks.  Regards:  Ted Larson

----- Original Message ----- From: "Jeremy Curry via Talk"
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2015 2:32 PM
Subject: Seeking Your Input

Hello Everyone,

We are constantly working behind the scenes to improve our products.
If you could narrow down the top three requests you would have us add
to our screen reading product, what would they be?

Thanks for the input!


Jeremy Curry
Director of Product Management
Ai Squared, Inc.
Phone: (802) 362-3612

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