Hi John. I totally agree with you.

-----Original Message-----
From: Talk [mailto:talk-bounces+skyt=shaw...@lists.window-eyes.com] On Behalf 
Of John Farley via Talk
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2016 3:05 PM
To: 'Vaughan Dodd'; 'Window-Eyes Discussion List'; 'Chris Skarstad'
Subject: RE: Ranking Screen Readers In Windows10 Anniversary Update: The 
Results Will Surprise You!

Vaughan, thank you for that insight into that article.

My own, unreasearched view, is that any free screen reader will not be able to 
complete the full role of tasks that a more professional screen reader can.

Although I do not use JAWS, it is not an acronym for Job Access to Work with 
Screen Reader for nothing.

I am a diehard Window-Eyes user and have been for many years, in a professional 
capacity and now as a retired person.
I would not move away from Window-Eyes without a much better incentive than a 
single review, which it now appears, is not from the most knowledgeable of 

Community, please take your choice.

Regards, John

Tel: +44 (0) 1442 259243
Mob: +44 (0) 7815 056076

-----Original Message-----
From: Talk 
[mailto:talk-bounces+john_farley=btinternet....@lists.window-eyes.com] On 
Behalf Of Vaughan Dodd via Talk
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:11 PM
To: 'Chris Skarstad'; 'Window-Eyes Discussion List'
Subject: RE: Ranking Screen Readers In Windows10 Anniversary Update: The 
Results Will Surprise You!

Thanks for the post.

I do think we should be cautious about this.  Apart from the fact that the guy 
is a teacher - teacher of what and of whom - his credentials are not clearly 
identified.  So his views are just as good or just as bad as any one elses.

Many of us use apps not included in his discussion - excel, outlook, other mail 
and spreadsheet applications and so on.  Whilst it is clear that the discussion 
is about Windows 10 anniversary, and as such is narrow in context, it is far 
from complete.

The bias is clear: if it is free - it must be better, and he has only ever used 
JFW of the paid screen readers.
Microsoft's commitment to accessibility is questonable.  Yes: Narrator has made 
improvements which are long overdue, and there are knowledgeable blind people 
commiting to Narrator.  But - no braille, no ability to configure it for 
specific apps, and so many other shortcomings which Window-Eyes and JFW have 
attempted to resolve over the years.

The discussion is an important one, as the industry is in a state of change.  
But: we should just treat the comments for what they are - someone's legitimate 


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-----Original Message-----
From: Talk 
[mailto:talk-bounces+vaughan.dodd001=msd.govt...@lists.window-eyes.com] On 
Behalf Of Chris Skarstad via Talk
Sent: Thursday, 11 August 2016 6:27 a.m.
To: Russ Kiehne; Window-Eyes Discussion List
Subject: Re: Ranking Screen Readers In Windows10 Anniversary Update: The 
Results Will Surprise You!

No mention of Window-eyes, eh? tisk tisk.
On 8/10/2016 9:38 AM, Russ Kiehne via Talk wrote:
> The following article came from
> https://www.coolblindtech.com/ranking-screen-readers-in-windows10-anni
> versary-update-the-results-will-surprise-you/
> He seemed to leave out Window Eyes?
> Ranking Screen Readers In Windows10 Anniversary Update: The Results Will 
> Surprise You!
> James Oates
> On  August 9, 2016
> In this article, I will attempt to review and rank three of the most 
> popular current screen readers that are available at this time. The three 
> screen readers were tested on the most recent version of Windows 10 
> anniversary update. This is important because one of the screen readers is 
> Microsoft s most recently updated Narrator.
> Although ranking the screen readers might prove to be quite controversial, I 
> think it can also open up a real discussion on which screen readers are most 
> accessible, and even the question of accessibility can sometimes be up for 
> debate. I do realize that accessibility is determined by personal needs and 
> preferences, so I will attempt to define the criteria I used for 
> accessibility in this review.
> What Is Accessibility?
> Quite simply, I determined that accessibility is the ability to access that 
> which needs to be accessed. Also, I take points off accessibility for the 
> screen readers that make it difficult to access material by being 
> dysfunctional or by making it very difficult to figure out which keystrokes 
> need to be used with the material. Some screen readers make you use 
> ridiculous key combinations to activate website elements or functions within 
> applications. So without further ado, here are the rankings!
> Number One: Microsoft Narrator!
> It took me about a day to get used to the screen reader, but once I 
> did, I realized what a powerful tool Microsoft had created and that 
> the company was finally serious about supporting a built-in screen 
> reader for the blind. In fact, the only thing I could find wrong with 
> the screen reader was that it did not work with my braille display. I am 
> currently working with Microsoft and HIMS to see if this problem can be 
> resolved. Besides that one issue, the screen reader was fully accessible on 
> all websites and applications. I tested the screen readers on Microsoft Edge, 
> Internet Explorer, Groove Music, Skype, Dropbox, Microsoft Word, Audacity, 
> Feedback, and the Settings app. Narrator now uses something called scan mode. 
> You can toggle this on and off by pressing caps lock and space bar. When scan 
> mode is off, you can tab through active elements, use Windows keyboard 
> commands, and navigate by means of your preferred preference; such as, items, 
> headings, and paragraphs. When scan mode is on, you can navigate through 
> everything on the screen that includes text, website elements, and 
> application controls by using the tab key, arrowing around the screen, or 
> employing letter navigation. How often has your screen reader announced;  OK 
> button . And you a
 re wondering;  What am I saying OK to?  When scan mode is turned on, you can 
just arrow up and read the text associated with that button. You do need to 
toggle scan mode off when you want to use keyboard commands such as control P 
to pause a music track or alt F4 to close an application. This was the only 
screen reader that was fully functional using Microsoft Edge. It was also the 
only screen reader that was able to read every active element and all text on 
each website and application. Clearly, hands down, Narrator is the winner!
> Second-Place Goes to NVDA.
> performed mostly well. The problem is it uses a function called browse mode 
> that doesn t actually work at this time. You re supposed to be able to toggle 
> between focus and browse modes by pressing insert plus spacebar. It s 
> supposed to function like Narrator s scan mode. Because it didn t work, 
> Microsoft Edge was only able to read active elements, not text, on the 
> screen. It was also difficult to read text on other applications. Like I said 
> before, you want to know what you re saying  OK  to. Also, there were other 
> applications where you had to switch the pain view to see what else was on 
> the screen. That s OK if you know that there are other pains on the screen. 
> But if you don t, you re missing out on loads of information. NVDA is still a 
> fantastic screen reader and the developers of the project are working on 
> fixing browse mode. I suspect they will work out the kinks very soon. But can 
> they keep up with all the changes and updates coming from Microsoft on an 
> almost daily 
> JAWS Finishes in a Distant Third.
> This wasn t even close! I don t even know where to begin! For 
> starters, the JAWS display driver interfered with the Microsoft 
> Upgrade Assistant which is a program that allows customers to download
> Windows10 Anniversary Update without having to wait for the automatic 
> update. I had to uninstall the Freedom Scientific display driver just to 
> download my free copy of Windows 10 Anniversary Update. Next, JAWS does not 
> work with Microsoft Edge unless you re using the touch cursor. This makes 
> Microsoft s primary browser virtually unusable. This is inexcusable and 
> unacceptable. JAWS has also come up with some very convoluted keystroke 
> combinations to interact with elements on webpages. I also ran into several 
> situations where JAWS was incapable of activating navigation bars on 
> webpages. I just want to know, are the people at VFO serious about 
> accessibility, or just interested in convincing people in enterprise and 
> government that they are?
> Final Thoughts.
> I really enjoyed the Mark mobile voice that Narrator uses. I was also 
> pleasantly surprised at how quickly the screen reader reacts. I m now 
> using it as my primary screen reader. I of course will always continue 
> to use NVDA as well. It is an amazing product and will only continue 
> to improve. They have one of the most talented group of developers 
> I ve ever seen. As for JAWS, I can t think of one good thing to say. And that 
> s a difficult position for me to take. When I first became a teacher 25 years 
> ago, JAWS was the only program that made the digital world accessible for me. 
> It was an amazing product, and I ve always shown a great deal of gratitude 
> toward them, but even I have to admit that they re not maintaining their 
> commitment to customers. You don t know how difficult that is for me to say 
> this because I have a great deal of loyalty toward the people who helped me 
> when I was younger. I hope the people at VFO and Freedom Scientific can turn 
> things around, but most importantly I applaud the accessibility team at 
> Microsoft. For years Microsoft has preached accessibility but seemed more 
> interested in promoting their own advancement within the field of 
> accessibility. The new Microsoft accessibility team is finally focusing on 
> their actual customers. What a refreshing change! I have also recorded a 
> podcast demonstra
 ting the use and accessibility of Windows 10 anniversary update. I hope you 
give it a listen.
> The views expressed here are purely my own, and should be taken as such.
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