I would check a couple of things -- do you get anny sound out of
Narrator?  Either run narrator  from the windows-r dialog or I think
windows-u will run it.  If you get that going, check your WE voice
parameters.  If not, you do have sound card problems.  Also, in the
volume mixer make sure the parameters for WE are not muted.

On Mon, 02 Jan 2017 16:42:32 -0500,
Dave via Talk wrote:
> Hello,
> I recently purchased a new Used system, that has Win 7 Pro on it.  
> At the Shop, I asked them to install a Sound Card, because I like a
> higher quality sound that what comes from the On Board Sound  Chips.  
> They said no problem.
> I picked up the system a few days ago, and boufht it home.  turned it On
> and let it Boot up.  
> Installed Window Eyes with no problem.  Had the system talking fine.  
> But the sound was fussy.  Almost as if it was Too Loud and was Over
> Driving the Speakers, and yet the volume was low.  Started to
> investigate and saw that the Create Sound card had been installed, as I
> had asked, but there were no Creative Sound Blaster Drivers installed. 
> Looks like they installed the Creative Sound Blaster Card before they
> installed Win 7, and let Win 7 use a Generic driver for the card.  
> Mr. Smart Guy me thinks I need to install the Real Deal Sound Blaster
> Drivers, and just maybe this would give me the Clear Sound I am wanting.  
> So I go ahead and used the Driver disc that came with the Sound Blaster
> card and install the Drivers.  
> The I re-boot the system and when it restarts, the Winodws tune plays,
> and even the little  start up notes of Window Eyes plays, but  there is
> no Speech.  
> Great, now I am stuck.    No Speech, but Windows it playing all the
> Bells and start up noises and Bonks that Windows normally plays.  But,
> no Speech.
> And the sound is getting played through the Sound card.  
> So I drag my poor wife in, who knows nothing about computers, and I walk
> her thrugh checking Windows settings.  Windows is reconizing the Sound
> Blaster card, the Volume is up high enough to be heard.  I then check
> the Devices in the Win Eyes Control Panel, and this is still set of
> Default Card.  
> The Sound Blaster is listed here, so I change the setting to Sound
> Blaster, Apply it and there is no speech.  I have my wife click the OK
> since I do want Window Eyes to be using the Sound Blaster card as the
> Out Put Device.  
> But, I still have no speech.  
> I am using the Higher Quality voices such as Tom and Samantha, if this
> makes any differences.  
> As far as I can tell, my settings are right, but, still have no speech.  
> Can anyone see something I have missed?  Is there another setting I need
> to Check, or Uncheck?  
> Do I need to uninstall Window Eyes and Reinstall it?  
> If anyone has something to try, would you share your thoughts?    I am
> out of ideas to try.
> Grumpy Dave
> -- 
> Dave <dlh...@centurylink.net>
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Your life is like a penny.  You're going to lose it.  The question is:
How do
you spend it?

         John Covici
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