I think it will still be an option - but some of you are missing the point: it is no longer a practical option for many people.

The evidence does not support on-going development.

Evidence includes: bugs not fixed
Loss of personnel who interacted with the users via this list and through other channels.
The Fort Wayne office is not part of the VFO addresses for its offices.

No news  on the VFO site.
The disestablishemngt of Zoomtext Fusion, in favour of a JFW interface.
This list is not monitored by VFO. It VFO was paying attentiont it, some of the claims made by people like me would be challenged.

So: no one is saying stop using your copy of Window-Eyes. All we are saying is that it is no longer a going concern.


On 4/1/2017 8:52 PM, Dennis Long via Talk wrote:
I agree I am of the same thought process until an announcement from someone
at VFO says there will be no more window eyes I will continue to think it's
a option.

-----Original Message-----
From: Talk [mailto:talk-bounces+dennisl1982=gmail....@lists.window-eyes.com]
On Behalf Of Jim via Talk
Sent: Friday, March 31, 2017 8:38 PM
To: Don H; Window-Eyes Discussion List
Subject: Re: orbit20 display and future of window eyes

      Hi there!

Question, what is the source of your information about W.E. going away?
I have seen nothing official from anyone regarding this issue and until I
do, I will continue to believe that W.E. is ALIVE and KICKING! I am getting
rather tire of seeing this same old topic being brought up over and over.  I
do not wish to start any sort of heated debate on this subject I just want
to see where all this so called information is actually coming from..?  Have
A Great Day! de


On 31-Mar-17 11:12, Don H via Talk wrote:
If you think Window Eyes isn't going away I also have a nice bridge to
sell you.  It is called the Golden Gate and I will sell it real cheap.

On 3/31/2017 12:59 AM, Dennis Long via Talk wrote:
We don't know WE is going away.

-----Original Message-----
From: Talk
On Behalf Of Brenda via Talk
Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2017 1:26 PM
To: Sky Mundell; Window-Eyes Discussion List
Subject: Re: orbit20 display and future of window eyes

Hi Sky and List

I think it is beyond the point of saving Window-Eyes.

I think what folks on this list need to do now is to contact VFO and
push for a reasonable price to transition from Window-Eyes to jaws.
The number of SMAs should be considered so perhaps those with SMAs
would be given jaws SMAs or the money paid toward their SMAs would be
put toward the cost of jaws.  Everyone should be given the convention
price for jaws.

Just a thought,


On 3/30/2017 12:38 PM, Sky Mundell via Talk wrote:
Hello Kevin and Vaughn.  Here are my thoughts on this. Had the blind
organisations had given Window-Eyes a chance,  Window-Eyes would not
have gotten extinct and this would not have happened.  Below, I'm
going to forward you guys some emails from a friend of mine who is
on this list, and I support him 100 percent!

Email 1:

Hi Sky,

Sadly that has been the way it has been since the start. As you
said, had the rnib, cnib, american league for th blind and so on
favoured window-eyes or even given it a chance. It would not be
almost extinct at this moment in time. It does make me angry. These
people are somehow escaping accountability for their acdtions. The
entire system has been geared towards Jaws continually. Every other
screen reader has become second rate because of the power wielded
withing the blind community. It's alright us saying this but
actually proving it is another matter. If it could be proved and
despite all the negativity, it could. Then what could happen?
Telling the world about how a ruthless power hungry organisation set
out to control the world of the blind with a screen reader? If
people would back us up and not just say that is what happened
without saying I can prove it. To be able to prove it would be the
icing on the cake. It would show the rotten, evil people at jaws who
abused their power and in a way forced vendors to favour jaws above
other screen readers. If enough people were prepared to come out and
back us up we would have enough to at least make
those responcible for the blind to wake up and accept responcibility.

I doubt that will ever happen as proving what we know to be true
would be difficult. Not impossible. We do have what is called a
Mergers and nonopoly commission but it too is being seen as a dog with
no teeth.
Although it blocked a merger a few days ago between the two major
money markets, one in London and the other in @Germany from combining.
They have some power but it is only token gesture.

There is a proposed merger between Rupert Murdoch and Sky tv. He
will be allowed to buy it despite criticism from other media
cdompanies. He owns the majority of the world's media and his
control is beyond anything that the world has seen before. There
isn't much he doesn't own and his political power is immeanse. That
is the exact same as jaws, the rnib, cnib and other organisations for
the blind.

If it could be possible for witnesses to come forward and confirm
what we are saying. That would be at least a start. We could get up
a petition expressing our opinion of the bullying from these so
called institutions for the blind. bringing them to account. It may
not do very much but at least it would rock the boat for a short
time and always be part of the history of blind peoples lives in a
corrupt and
overbearing system.

Email 2:

From: bj colt [mailto:bjc...@blueyonder.co.uk]
Sent: Friday, March 24, 2017 6:34 AM
To: Sky Mundell
Subject: Re: window eyes proposal

Hi Sky,

I listened to the podcast from scun. I am not only disgusted but
really pissed off at VFO and with the presenters at the tech podcast.
~Why aren't they kicking up hell? Probably because they are jaws
users. I got that impression just by their attitude. Zoom text and
fusion was an AI squared and window-eyes conception. Not a VFO idea.
I did say that's why they bought out ai squared and it seems I was
right. They are going to unceremoniously dump window-eyes. No new
updadtes, no upgrades, nothing, no development. The list really has
to do something at this stage. We really have to get together and
make sure VFO are aware of our feelings. Everyone who has paid for
sma's are now entitled to a full refund, no questions asked. No
development means no upgrades, no upgrades equals no need for sma's.
No sma's means
they are stealing our money under false pretences.
This time things have gone too far. Something has to be done,
whether it is a petition, legal action to force VFO to state their
All the conjecture on the list has to stop and positive action taken
by those who wish to keep window-eyes alive. What was stated in that
podcast, whether it is the opinions or not of the people who are
making the statements. It was made so clear, "No development of
window-eyes will continue". Only those areas where profit is to be
will be supported.
That was made abundantly clear. That wasn't just an opinion, it was
a matter of fact.

Live long and prosper, John

Hi Sky,

Yes, they said that the free copy of window-eyes with Office was a
demo, that it wasn't a full version, it only lasted 6 months, it
only lasted a month. Those were regular lies told by vendors. The
vendors favoured Jaws because it brought them more profit. In that
the Big blind organisations reckomended jaws above other screen
readers. When those in Education, employment and other fields
contacted the rnib etc with questions about screen readers. What did
they get? They got jaws and nothing else. No reckomendations for
window-eyes, nothing, only jaws was offered. It happened iwth me. I lost
a job because of it.

Think about it? Jaws screen reader was always reckomended, followed
by extensive training in jaws at a higher cost, scripts that were
designed by jaws script writers at a consierable cost. Sky that was
the entire package that was reckomended. The cost of everything, the
dam high cost of everything.

From: bj colt [mailto:bjc...@blueyonder.co.uk]
Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2016 10:51 AM
To: Sky Mundell
Subject: Re: Window-Eyes Proposal

Hi Sky,

Members of the list have stated that and more. No one was willing to
fight gw's corner. Jaws had too much a grip in institutions, that's
The actual proof was so well hidden it could not be proved
conclusivly. Yet it was widely known. As in the post about FS seuing
institutions if they didn't approve of jaws over any other screen
reader. In hindsight, had we known that window-eyes would be put in
jeapordy we would have done something. None of us knew this may
happen and that's another reason we didn't do anything about the
Sadly it looks as if it is all over for window-eyes. I noticed the
post saying the person contacted aisquared and confirmed that s m
a's were and would be available in the future.
Yet he wasn't willing to actualy prove that was the case. He didn't
post an email or confirmation from asquared that this was the case.
I would have liked to have been given proof of this. My proof is in
the email posted to the group by asquared, where no mention of s m
a's are
There isn't much time left for VFO to make an official statement
about the future of window-eyes. Then we will know for certain.

Robert would be livid. He would be doing anything to keep
The same as we will be doing. He will be proud of us when the time

Live long and prosper, John

These are my thoughts as well.  These emails should get us springing
into action to keep Window-Eyes going.  Lets all keep it alive and
get this truth exposed and get Window-Eyes to the top in
organisations for the
-----Original Message-----
From: Talk [mailto:talk-bounces+skyt=shaw...@lists.window-eyes.com]
On Behalf Of Kevin Huber via Talk
Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2017 6:50 AM
To: Vaughan Dodd; Window-Eyes Discussion List
Subject: Re: orbit20 display and future of window eyes

Hi Vaughan:

Mostly, I see your point and I would aggree, accept that, if VFO
works out a contract with Microsoft which will allow them to create
a JAWS For Office, presumably Window-eyes, and therefore Window-eyes
for office, will be dead so there will only be two free screen readerws.
Also, if WGW Micro created Window-eyes for Office to prevent people
from switching to NVDA, wouldn't that reasoning apply to creating a
JAWS For Office?  Not to say that they will because I highly doubt
that that will happen, but maybe it remains a possibility.
Kevin Huber and

On 3/29/17, Vaughan Dodd via Talk <talk@lists.window-eyes.com> wrote:
I think you'll find that VFO will not do this.

Microsoft funded this, under a contractual basis.
    The contract supporting the Window-Eyes with Office scheme will
most certainly come to an end.
The financial backers of VFO are funding the continued development
of JFW, and they will expect a return on their investment.

The Window-Eyes for Office deal was a response to the increasing
user support for NVDA.  The dramatic reduction in the addition of
new features and bug fixes for Window-Eyes is due in part to the
deal, and people choosing not to purchase Window-Eyes because they
had access to  two free screen readers.

There is no way that there can be three free screenreaders.

Think about it: once a JFW for Office deal is struck with
Microsoft, there will be clauses - such as - "cannot continue to
develop interfaces for products from software competitors" and so
Regarding the Orbit thing: emulation of an 18 cell display means
you lose 10% of the available realestate.  Because the objective of
the Orbit
is sound - electronic braille to more people - there will be a JFW
driver soon.  That driver will probably need to be developed by the
Orbit consortium, rather than VFO. VFO won't throw in a free non
VFO braille display when you buy JFW.  It will develop deals for
discounting its own displays.  This is partly why Optelec are part
of the



-----Original Message-----
From: Talk
co m] On Behalf Of Joshua Kennedy via Talk
Sent: Thursday, 30 March 2017 11:07 a.m.
To: talk@lists.window-eyes.com
Subject: orbit20 display and future of window eyes

and so this is why the vfo group has to just fold window eyes into
jaws or just give us a free jaws for office option. because for
some people NVDA does not cut it, and we need something more
powerful, yet that is low cost or free. a jaws for office would
work fine especially if you need to do stuff in microsoft office.
not to mention jaws works good with the orbit
reader20 prototype set to refreshabraille18 emulation.
window eyes does not work with orbit20 at all. come on vfo group
let us
jaws for free if microsoft office is installed on our machines!

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