Hi Raul,

Thanks for your reply on saving the Thunderbird folder. Unfortunately Tbird saves a lot of old messages in the Profile folder which can go back years even though the trash folder can be kept clear.

My Profile folder grew to around 6 gb although the Tools, erase recent history option was used from time to time. While doing a scan with a newly installed Bullguard, old messages from years in the past were displayed on the screen as they were scanned. These messages even included those from an old email address which had been previously removed from the system.

The fact that old messages, which I thought had been removed when deleted, were still around came as quite a shock.

I used the Mozilla backup tool without saving emails but with address settings and with a fresh install of Thunderbird, the new Profile folder with three account settings came to under 20 mb.

The Tools, remove recent history option is used more frequently these days but my Profile folder continues to grow. It is currently around 140 mb and when it gets to around 150 mb, the process mentioned above will be used again.

This is why I asked if there was a simple way of saving the account settings in a similar way to saving the address book. It would make the setting up of a new clean Profile folder easier.


On 23/05/2017 3:43 AM, Raul A. Gallegos via Talk wrote:
Neville, if you open the %appdata% folder, look for the Thunderbird folder and save that. Please note the percent symbols around %appdata%. I hope this helps.

Raul A. Gallegos
Assistive Technology Trainer - RGA Tech Solutions
Voice and Text: 832.554.7285
Office: 832.639.4477
Personal Email: r...@raulgallegos.com
Work Email: train...@rgats.com
Twitter: @rga7285 and @RGATrainer

“Any teacher that can be replaced with a computer, deserves to be.” - David Thornburg

On 5/18/2017 11:19 PM, Neville via Talk wrote:
Hi Raul,

In a previous message, you mentioned a file in Thunderbird which contains the address book but is there a file or folder which contains all the account settings? This would make a backup simple.


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