In reference to your previous message, no one has cracked JAWS. They're cracking the authorization code scheme. They're not getting access to one line of code for the program. Regarding Office for Android and iOS? Those programs were not ported. The definition of porting a program is to move it from one platform to another platform. For lack of a better term, full blown operating systems and mobile operating systems are very different platforms. Porting a Windows program to Mac or vice versa is one thing, but porting a Windows program to any mobile OS isn't going to happen. Slimmed down versions of Office were written specifically for Android and iOS. Having the code is of course of enormous help, but virtually everything works differently on each platform. Microsoft has tried to do this in the Visual Studio development environment, i.e. supposedly having the ability to write cross-platform mobile apps for Windows mobile, Android, and iOS, and then be able to test run them on virtual machines. But everyone in the programming world agrees that it's a poor substitute to say the least as it will often miss bugs that show up on a real Android or iOS device. And note that cross platform development is either for full blown operating systems or mobile operating systems. There is no do it all in one fell swoop option. Of course Windows mobile apps are fine because they're being written on their native platform. There is also platform independent ways of developing programs, which always cause accessibility problems. But these are for Windows, Mac, and Linux, not mobile operating systems. Well, they probably do exist but don't work. I've seen the discussion a thousand times and the answer is always if you want to develop iOS apps do it on a Mac with their iOS developer, develop Windows apps on Windows, and if you want to develop Android apps it's considerably more complicated because there is no parent OS for Android. This is why new mobile apps are almost always written for iOS first and slow to emerge on Android. And if that's not enough, the open source nature of Android makes it more difficult to develop for because virtually every company who uses it feels compelled to fiddle with the core operating system, just enough to make it harder for developers, i.e. an Android app that works fine on a Google device may or may not work just right on any other Android device. So full blown operating systems and mobile operating systems are two different species.

On 8/20/2017 6:03 PM, Olusegun -- Victory Associates LTD, Inc. via Talk wrote:
Tom wrote in part:

"It's virtually impossible to crack a big low-level program like
Window-Eyes. And even if someone could there's no such thing as porting it
over to Android."

First, I'll give up on Windows before doing the same with Android.  With
Android being an open source project, I choose to be somewhat optimistic
that anything is possible if not now, perhaps before too long.

Second, I can SURF the web on my Shiny, Ancient & Modern Android toy!  In
fact, I'm beginning to do it so much better with great results in Android
land than in Windows.  Once I grasp a better use of this Android tablet I
have here on my desk, all my Windows computers will have their graves dug.
I'll stick them in their respective graves as soon as the hard drive on
which they reside die naturally.  May be that's another five years from
today, but it won't make a difference for me.  I don't want them to be

Third, I wish I were intelligent enough to get into programming!  Sadly, I'm
not.  Else, I shall have attempted to take on the project myself if nothing
more, but for experimental purposes.

Fourth, Excel, Word and Powerpoint have crept into Android land!  These were
once exclusively Windows preserves.  My haunch is that if these are
portable, anything is possible with a screen reader as well.  Who knows?  V
F O could read this and elect to CORNER my thought process by introducing,
you guessed it, Shark for Windows--did I say Shark?  Sorry, that should have
been Jaws, but you get my drift!  Sounds silly, but I want you to laugh

Denver, Colorado

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