Hi Carol,

The automatic font color is black unless (I assume) you choose a theme with a different default color. You can check the text the caret is on by pressing Control+Nulmpad delete twice. Pressing it once only speaks the unicode value, twice speaks that along with the font name, size, and color.

You can manually set the default font to black. but it's a nightmare and seems to have a mind of its own. I tried using Window-eyes, NVDA, and Narrator. I only got the change to stick once out of countless tries. I often got a completely different color than I thought I selected. And when I selected black I got a slightly lighter black, of which there are several to choose from. So I gave up. But if you want to fight with it, or you have a pair of eyes handy, press Alt+H, F, N, to open the font dialog. If you can select the color, then press the set as default button, select the apply to all rather than current document radio button, and OK. This will make it the default for all new documents. But it won't change existing documents you open.

As for attributes? Press Windows+A to toggle attribute changes on and off. You should hear that spoken. To set what you hear about with it on go into verbosity, common, attribute changes. You can select what you hear and also make them global or program specific. Note, the Windows+A hot key is specific to the Word set file. So it's not global.

Sorry, but I have no idea on the mailings and labels problem.


On 5/18/2018 1:57 PM, Carol and Roger via Talk wrote:

I have Word 2016 on my Win10 pc.  I am using WE and would like the answer to a couple of questions.

First, under fonts, the color selection there says auto.  I would like to make certain that my work is always done with a white background and black characters.  Of course, I understand the background color would be the same as the paper it is being printed on.

Second, how can I get WE to speak color changes or other attribute changes in the event there are other colors used in imported documents?

My last question for now is can I get WE to speak what is in the send to address edit box when working with mailings or particularly labels? Even though I put an address in the edit box, WE says it is blank or says nothing.  Right now, in order to enter an address, I must put it in my current document and copy it to the clipboard, open the mailings, labels option and focus the address box, press ctrl-a to clear anything in the box and press ctrl-paste to put the information in from the clipboard. If I do not do it this way, sometimes, the label comes out blank and at other times, there is only one line of the address that gets printed.

Thanks for any help.


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