There you are, Tom.

Would you agree, if we try to cook it down to something even non-tech 
people will understand, we might basically explain it all like this?

When we see a program well-known to Windows users, all the sudden pop up 
as an app on IOS or Android - it is NOT because the program itself was 
ported over. Very basically spoken, the ideas or features of the 
program, even to some extent the layout, will have been transferred. 
Yet, the very code behind it all, will likely to a very high extent have 
been rewritten.

Let's try this with an example. Again, let's go to the traffic. When you 
see a family car rolling down the street, will you then exclaim:

     Hey, look, a mini truck!

Well, in essense, the car has a number of features resembling and quite 
compatible with those of a truck or bus. They all have four wheels (at 
least). All have a steering wheel, and they all have windows all around. 
Still, you please talk to the ingeneers who designed the family car, and 
ask them if they simply just could down-scale a truck, and let it out 
the doors. Think of the fact, that your car has breaks that operate on 
hydraulic system, whereas the truck has air-operated breaks (what is 
known as pneumatic breaks). The truck definitely is running on a diesel 
engine, likely your car is on gasolin or even all electric. The truck 
even might have numerous wheels, tell me if you are the owner of a 
family car with anything more than four. Obviously, both vihicles have 
been designed for transportation, with some basics in common. And the 
designers might likely have used the knowledge from one production, in 
their work on the other. They might even have a certain similarity, for 
instance if your family car actually would happen to be a pickup truck. 
Nonetheless, they are such different constructions that they likely are 
being produced on separate sites, and your local repair shop might only 
do work on one of them. You even will have to get a totally different 
drivers license for each.

If you Olusegun are dreaming of seeing a screen reader on Android, which 
will resemble some - or most - of the features of Window-Eyes, your 
dreams might be valid enough. If, on the other hand, you think someone 
could simply just take the code of Window-Eyes and process it through 
some kind of converter; well, just to break your day, don't even waste 
your time... :)

Even on the Windows platform itself, we find several programming 
languages. Some three decades ago, I started doing small tasks under one 
of them, named Basic. Later on I moved on to Turbo Pascal, and when 
Windows started to become the road of the day, I ran into AutoHotkey. 
Then came the scripting capability of Window-Eyes, and here the VBScript 
language became much the standard of most apps. I did look shortly into 
JScript, and have peeked at some of the codes in Python, and even 
Pearle. No, i don't expect most readers to recognize much of the names, 
just want to show you some of the variety - and that is all Windows 
programming. What I want to stress to you all:

     Believe me, you won't be able to take code from one of these 
languages, and simply copy it into the other. There does exist NO 
converters, whatever your dreams might look like, that would let the one 
program be ported over to another of these languages. And even for a 
driven programmer, going from one language over to the other, might be 
quite confusing.

Should I please get two seconds of your day, in showing you one simple 

In one language, the calculations performed inside the code, will always 
be interpretted from left to right. an expression like:

     2 plus 3, multiplied with 4 (2+3*4),

would result in the computer taking 2, adding on 3, getting 5; and then 
multiplying it all with 4, resulting in a grand total of 20.

Now, bring that simple expression:


into the other programming language, and your surprise and frustration 
will be complete. Here the interpretation takes place from right to 
left. 4 will be multiplied with 3, giving us 12; and 2 will be added, 
resulting in a grand total of 14.

Imagine a code of thousands of lines, where each line will be at best 
wrongly interpretted - if even recognized at all, and see if your code 
will run anything like expected. For your information, the free NVDA 
screen reader is based on Python version 2. The newest Python is in the 
third generation, but is not fully backward compatible, resulting in 
NVDA still being transcribed into modern versions of the programming 

And all of this confusion is on one and same platform, Windows. Meaning, 
it all takes place, based on much the same CPU, and underlaying 
instructions. Now move to Android, you will have a totally different 
CPU, with its very own set of instructions. Or, take it to IOS, and see 
what Apple will want to comprehend of your code.

Oh, let's just illustrate once again. The sailor meets with the pilot, 
and they decide they want to swap transportation for one day. The sailor 
has a clear mind, that the only right thing for driving any 
transportation will be a screw. The pilot does agree, that the 
ship-screw somehow resembles a propeller

, hence they do some mechanics, and starts out. How far will the 
airplane fly, with a ship-screw mounted in the front? Or, do you fancy 
the pilot getting cross the Atlantic in one day, with his propeller in 
the back of a ship? Sure, one is for air, the other for water driving. 
No matter how much they look likewise, or how much they stole from each 
other in design, materials or shape - they never can be ported from one 
"platform" to the other.

Olusegun, and the other dreamers, please stop fooling yourself, in 
unrealistic dreams. Window-Eyes will never be on Android. Someone might 
grab the basics of it, write an app for Android, IOS or any other 
platform, even naming it Window-Eyes. It will never be the same as the 
computer-based screen reader. Besides, the whole idea of naming it 
Window-Eyes, would be rediculous, since it won't be running under 
Windows. What's more, I am not even sure, if an app under Android, can 
be written to accept and run user-designed sub-apps. That is, you might 
never be able to have the screen reader on a mobile device, offering you 
the capability of running add-on apps, like the feature of Window-Eyes, 
or even Jaws with its scripting capability. The best you could hope for, 
is that someone write a totally stand-alone app, which just happens to 
communicate with the screen reader, with whatever issues such a solution 
might present.

Not sure if it all can be explained all that much more thoroughly, 
without becoming really technical. If you are no programmer, then please 
just accept the fact that a one-to-one transcription of a Windows 
program into ANY mobile language, won't be possible.

Lastly, screen readers have been developed for mobile devices, for 
something like a decade. Back when screen readers for Windows were one 
decade into development, they were presenting a far more complete 
productivity, than what we see on the mobile platforms. Olusegun, the 
fact that you are able to perform all you described, is wonderful. Now, 
keep in mind it all is based on different apps, that you have decided to 
install on your device. Lucky you are, the app developers have made the 
apps accessible. I could easily tell you numerous examples of apps that 
are totally inaccessible, no matter how great the screen reader does its 
job. With so many apps being developed by people with little or no 
knowledge about accessibility, and the rather heavy restriction in what 
the screen reader can get access to, even a good resembling of 
Window-Eyes, would never get anything near the reliaility you know from 
your computer. Enjoy the fact that you can do all of that in your 
business and daily activity. Certain of the tasks I am relying on in 
mine, simply cannot be performed in a satisfactory way on Android, due 
to lacking capabilities in the app. Doesn't help with a good screen 
reader, if it cannot get the input it needs.

On 8/30/2018 7:09 AM, Tom Kingston via Talk wrote:
> Olusegun,
> Just for the record, Office was not ported to Android. Generally 
> speaking, programs can be ported between Windows, MacOS, and Linux, 
> or, Universal Windows Platform, iOS, and Android. These are 
> essentially two different classes of platforms: desktop and mobile. 
> The core difference is that they use different CPUs.
> So Office was rewritten for mobile platforms. This then requires 
> compilation to a machine independent intermediate code layer. That 
> intermediate code must then be separately compiled to each platform or 
> use an interpreter, the latter of which compiles the code on the fly.
> The bottom line is that programs that have been around since the dawn 
> of Windows have hundreds of thousands of lines of code exclusive to 
> core components of the operating system. There is no automation that 
> can rewrite the meaning of life for these programs.
> Relatively speaking, designing programs for portability is a new-age 
> approach brought on mostly by the mobile evolution. And still, this is 
> no magic wand. This is why most of the biggest accessibility apps have 
> been developed for iOS and Android users then have to wait a year or 
> two before they're ported over to that platform.
> Regards,
> Tom
> On 8/29/2018 6:27 PM, Olusegun -- Victory Associates LTD, Inc. via 
> Talk wrote:
>> David, I enjoyed reading your post; it did present some interesting 
>> angles
>> regarding my thought process.
>> I believe that the impossible is that which has not been tried. We could
>> all wake up tomorrow and hear an important announcement:  Jaws for 
>> Android
>> is here!  Shall we throw up our arms in the air in disgust?  I doubt 
>> that.
>> If nothing else, many of us will play ball with it and see where its 
>> chips
>> land.  After all, in Android Land, you can have as many screen 
>> readers as
>> you choose--Talkback, ShinePlus can be used in any Android toy;
>> VoiceAssistant and VoiceViews are still partial to their creators, 
>> Samsung
>> and Amazon in that order.  I've never been a programmer; yet, I've seen
>> Windows apps being ported over to Android.  A good example is Outlook,
>> another is Word and, yes, Excel is available on the Android platform.
>> I may be odd, but I do love and appreciate being able to use touchscreen
>> toys!  I am, as of the present moment, equally productive on my Shiny
>> Android toys as I am using a keyboard with a computer.  I taught 
>> myself all
>> that I do and I ask questions of more knowledgeable folks when I am 
>> stuck.
>> No, I'm not a guru and do not frankly wish to be one--nonetheless, if it
>> weren't for the legacy Windows app that are work related, I shall have
>> divorced Windows and keep on running with ONLY Android TOYS in my 
>> pocket!  I
>> do a lot of travel, I see touchscreen terminals lined up forever at
>> airports.  Sadly, they are not accessible.  To get around that for 
>> the time
>> being, I bring all I need with me for my trips.  Example, I check in and
>> print my own burden pass all the time before heading out to the airport.
>> I'm STINGY ENOUGH not to CHECK BAGS, so there's never an argument 
>> there.  In
>> fact, I don't even go to the airline counter, I head straight to the 
>> T S A
>> security line.  Oh, I have also CLEARED T S A security checks so i don't
>> need to remove my underwear, belts or shoes to pass through the 
>> screening
>> process.  Guess I'm crazy lucky and I realise that not everyone is 
>> similarly
>> situated.  The clearance I have is NOT FREE, cost $100 for five years, I
>> renew it again in 2023 if I'm still breathing and a bit less 
>> troublesome,
>> <LOL!>
>> There are a heck of a lot of things I can do with my touchscreen 
>> phone which
>> a computer or any currently available access technology DO NOT make
>> possible.  For instance, if I don't wish to print my burden pass and 
>> carry a
>> piece of paper in my pocket, I can simply show it on my touchscreen 
>> Shiny
>> Android toy to a screener at the security gate, or at an airline 
>> check-in
>> counter.  I'm one person who prefers 99% of everything electronically 
>> 'cause
>> the prospects of a misplacement is sharply reduced for me. Heck, for
>> international travels, I can CLEAR THE U.S. CUSTOMS electronically on my
>> touchscreen Shiny Android toy even before I board my flight back 
>> home.  No
>> computer or access technology will help me do that, but my Shiny Android
>> toys do and they fit snugly in my chest pocket.
>> Thus, I can keep hope alive; it may or may not happen. 
>> Notwithstanding, I
>> sure hope that someone much more brilliant than I figures out a way to
>> resurrect Window-Eyes as a screen reader on the Android platform!  In 
>> some
>> shape or form, we've been here before:  Window-Eyes was dying, some 
>> of us
>> shouted it out from the treetops and were sent to the gas chambers so we
>> could be forgotten and never heard from.  Fortunately, the doors of 
>> the gas
>> chambers DIDN'T CLOSE before we were vindicated.  Should the hope I 
>> nurse
>> become a reality, this beggar who wishes for what is classified as
>> impossible surely wants to ride into town with happiness pushing a
>> Window-Eyes for Android cart!
>> Sincerely,
>> Olusegun
>> Denver, Colorado
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