I'm glad we can ignore it, but how do I turn it off. Every time I use
Ctrl+T to open another firefox tab, the debug info comes up and I
cannot use Potlatch properly without reloading the whole page.

Also, whilst I am in mood for constructive criticism :) is it possible
to make it so the autocomplete works more like excel in that if there
is only one autocomplete option valid it actually fills out the
remainder of the text box but is highlighted so it can be typed over.
This way you can just tab to the next field once you have entered
'hig' instead of them having to hit up arrow before leaving the field.

If you aren't sure what I'm on about, have a play with excel or any
other GUI offering similar autocomplete functionality.

Thanks heaps for the new update though, it truly is getting better all
the time. I can hardly remember the last time I futzed around with
JOSM nowadays.

- David
- Show quoted text -

On 30/12/2007, Richard Fairhurst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> John Wolter wrote:
> > The shortcuts page on the wiki (
> > http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/Potlatch/Keyboard_shortcuts) don't
> > appear to be up-to-date.  I notice that there are a few things I trigger
> > when I type when I think I'm in a text box.  For example, if I type a "t", a
> > box appears with tile statistics.  I'm not sure how to remove it though.
> > :-(  I also sometimes get a bunch of locked, deleted ways, when I type "v".
> > Is there somewhere where these are documented and I'll update the wiki page?
> I've added the two new ones ('H' and 'U') to the wiki. 'T' is a
> temporary bit of debug info, you can safely ignore it. :)
> The keypress handling has changed quite a lot in 0.6, so there might
> be bugs - it sounds like you might have found one if you should be in
> a text box but the presses aren't being registered. Let me know if you
> can reproduce it and I'll try and hunt down any bug.
> cheers
> Richard
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David Dean
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