On 04/01/2008, Michael Collinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >is there an acknowledged way of removing them, without going through
> >the whole comments/opinions/voting process?
> Ye, it would certainly be good to be more aggressive in cleaning up
> up the Proposals page, it is hard to casually browse for "live" proposals.

very hard, i think that's part of the reason so few people look
through - there's so much rubbish

> Currently, the only mechanism is to move proposals into the "Needs
> cleanup/modification" and "Works in Progress/Pending" sections at the
> bottom - which are roughly equivalent to the place sick proposals go to die.

yeah, i saw that, but i'm not a fan. a vast % fall into one of those categories

> I propose:
> 1) Mark redundant proposals with "This proposal appears to be
> redundant or duplicated.  Unless there are any objections it will be
> removed on or after dd-mm-yyyy" and leave it there until you or
> someone else is next doing a clean-up round.

that's a very good idea, i will do that for lots. i've already moved
some duplicates, see earlier concerning roundend/turning_circle

> 2) More generally, any proposal that has been there for more than a
> year (see the pages "history" tab) be removed.  Looking at a few
> other proposals, this may be a little too aggressive as the
> "riverbank"
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/Proposed_features/Large_rivers
> proposal would go (or perhaps is should?).   An alternative would be
> to remove any proposal that has been there a year and had no
> substantive activity for 6 months.

i'll stick with the warning, and give each one two weeks to be resurrected

> Here the dates for your example:
> Created - 29 August 2006
> Last substantive comment - Dec 2006
> Last comment of any kind - Apr 2007

yes, there's a lot of that


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