On Jan 10, 2008 8:55 AM, Abigail Brady <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Jan 10, 2008 4:37 PM, Karl Newman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Really? Trying to future-proof against hierarchies that have been around
> > for (in some cases) millenia? Ooh, I know, we could have negative numbers to
> > indicate planet, solar system, galaxy, etc. For future interstellar use.
> >
> I'm not going to even bother explaining further you're going to take that
> attitude.
> Please go away.

Oh, brother. Can't tolerate a little sarcasm?

The scheme just seems a little vague to me. As it is, it's difficult to
correlate similar concepts across countries using this method. i.e., what's
a city? It's pretty well-defined in the US where there's not a lot of
historical baggage, but it's more complex in other countries, and only a few
countries have provided specific local definitions for the admin levels.
Adding more levels will not make the process easier. Which level do I pick
if I want to know what city a street is part of?

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