What about one indicator of completness being automatic: How many key/value
pairs per way or node.
So you have the standard: this is claimed to be 80% complete by user:Bob (or
this is validated to be 75% complete/accurate by user:Fred)
Then you have addtionally: this as information to a level of 20%

I'm not sure how the levels would work.
Maybe 10% means ways have a highway value and a name value, nodes have a
name value and something else, unless the node is attached to a way it
doesn't matter.
50% means at least half of the ways/nodes have an additional 3 tags.

Obviously it would need some work to get the levels defined right but
hopefully you get the idea. Either the level definitions would have to be
changed about once a year (due to tag proposals, more data being able to be
entered), or they would have to be relative to the number of approved tags.

On 13/01/2008, Lars Aronsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dair Grant wrote:
> > Good point! Which makes it all the more important to have a
> > mechanism for marking it as such, if only to reduce the number
> > of people who make pointless trips to the middle of nowhere to
> > confirm there's nothing there...
> There are very few places with "nothing" in them.  There might be
> creeks or peaks or vegetation types.  But what we can do is to
> define layers such as "all secondary or bigger roads" or "all
> churches, cemetaries and memorial monuments" and indicate whether
> these feature groups have been covered in an area.
> --
>   Lars Aronsson ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>   Aronsson Datateknik - http://aronsson.se
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