
I'm thrilled to hear that people are still working on this, I recently emailed 
Tom at mySociety to ask about it. I'm trying to find a way to use free data 
and tools including OpenStreetMap for a big community regeneration project in 
Sutton, South London, and analysis of transport and amenity accessibility is 
a big resource mapping priority!

Any more info about how far down the line the tools are, how hard it would be 
to plug in OSM data and start some analysis, etc. would be much appreciated. 
I'd love to go for some joint funding with someone like OSMF / mySociety but 
have so far had next to no response.

Kind regards,

On Thursday 17 January 2008 21:32:47 Tom Carden wrote:
> Apologies, the below message was sent to the wrong mysociety address.
> This mail is cc'd to the correct address ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> On 17/01/2008, Tom Carden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi Greg,
> >
> > This is something I know a little bit about.  I've CC'd the
> > mysociety-maps list too so they know that other people are still
> > thinking about this.
> >
> > You can join that list here:
> > https://secure.mysociety.org/admin/lists/mailman/listinfo/maps
> >
> > On 17/01/2008, Greg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I have a proposition that I'd like to discuss for open mapping. It's
> > > not my idea originally but Chris Lightfoot's (the late genius of social
> > > computing projects). One of his projects was undertaken a while back
> > > for the UK's Department of Transport but seems to have languished
> > > unused ever since.
> > >
> > > The project can be found here:
> > > http://www.mysociety.org/2006/travel-time-maps/index.php#examples
> >
> > Happily I can inform you that this work has recently been picked up
> > again.
> >
> > I have recently been helping mysociety with the presentation of their
> > latest data (I've also had assistance from Nick at ZXV).  I'm not sure
> > exactly when the updated maps will launch but suffice to say *WATCH
> >
> > > It strikes me that this kind of journey time contours map has great
> > > value, especially if it relies on genuine travel data from motivated
> > > participants. I could imagine an open source solution using a
> > > mobile/GPS combo being used to show real-time travel time data - where
> > > the user can change the time base for a running average (from 'this
> > > hour' to 'this year')
> > >
> > > I hope I'm not revisiting a topic that has been done to death in this
> > > forum - I couldn't find anything with a fairly cursory search.
> >
> > Not at all.
> >
> > > Let me know what you think.
> >
> > I suspect for the parts of the world already well-covered by OSM, work
> > on routing and travel times could begin NOW (and already has, I
> > think).  But my favourite part of the mysociety work is the fact that
> > it concentrates on public transport - that's a trickier proposition.
> >
> > Best,
> >
> > Tom.
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