I just walked part of a cycle route. In fact we walked three cycle 
routes at once. I would like to create a relation, type=route and then 
copy this to the two other relations containing the same ways. Or is 
there a smarter way to go about this? Could relations contain other 

I have the same problem with bus routes. They also tend to overlap quite 
a bit. Oh, I think for a bus route I actually tried another trick. Open 
route in JOSM, select all ways of it, then close and add those ways to a 
another route. The problem with that approach was that backward/forward 
information was lost, so I kind of gave up and hoped a later version of 
JOSM would help me out.

As for the rendering. When and how are bus/tram routes going to be 
rendered? Could it be done as an overlay? I.e. not visible all the time. 
What happens when the routes overlap? Will only one be shown? Will they 
be shown side by side (my preference), like you see on those maps from 
the public transportation? I imagine trying to achieve that would be 
quite a challenge. I believe those maps are actually drawn with human 

The same questions apply to cycle and walking routes, but they are 
rendered already on Andy's map. I'll see what happens when two/three 
routes use the same ways there.


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