I am rabidly anti-imperial :-) yet whole-heartedly concur with Abi's sentiments and approach. OSM is a "folksonomy" and one of the most important things to me is to lower the bar for folks to enter data without reading a detailed specification and without having to perform pre-processing or pre-calculation (that is what a computer is for). If that makes the database slightly less elegant or processing slightly more complex, that is a sacrifice worth making.


At 01:00 PM 1/24/2008, Abigail Brady wrote:
On Jan 24, 2008 11:26 AM, Martijn van Oosterhout <<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm also worried about people using gauges adding 5ft 5in somewhere,
we should at least require decimals.

I've tagged low bridges in Leicester with maxheight=15'0", for example. That's what the sign on the bridge says, that should be represented in the database.

We need for the UK to keep imperial measurements in the DB. Now, I abhor imperial measurements and want to see us completely metricated, so please don't mistake me for some kind of rabid anti-metric person. But the signs say things in feet and inches and that is a fact. This discussion should not be about a bunch of non-UK people declaring that UK people aren't allowed to use the unit system the UK (regrettably) uses in the database, but instead it should be how this can be best done in a way that tools don't get too confused by.

Please let us have that conversation. The idea of a cron job is slightly absurd but nontheless is a thought in the right direction. There are many options. I think defining a very small set of allowed units and formats thereof, and then sample code in many languages to convert these to metres/kilograms, might be the solution.

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