On Tue, January 29, 2008 22:05, Etric Celine wrote:
> Together with these changes i have crated the tagwatch sites for 24
> countries. All planet.osm excerpt are taken from
> http://roland-ramthun.de/osm/extracts/
> If you miss a country and can point me to the location of the excerpt I'm
> glad to add this as well.

Do you need an already downloaded extract or could you download a given
bounding box from osmxapi?

I can provide daily extracts, but fetching them yourself from osmxapi
would remove one intermediate step.

> I'll try to update these statistics at least once in the month now, as i
> feel they are quite helpfull to detect common tagging errors and reflect
> what tags are really in use in the community.
> website can be found at: http://etricceline.de/osm/index.htm the
> sourcecode can be found here: http://etricceline.de/osm/Tagwatch.tar.gz
> (I'll hope someone can add it to the svn, as i have no account there (and
>  general connecting problems with the university proxy here)

I'll update the version in SVN later tonight if no one beats me to it.


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