Etric Celine schrieb:
> Hi everyone,
> as you may or may not have noticed i have recently worked a bit on the 
> existing Tagwatch script and changed a few things. 
> My changes includes
> * the use of a template parsing engine and thus a better looking website
> * use of the Osmarender 6 rules file
> * listing how often every tag got used on nodes / ways
> * what other tags are in use with a specific tag
> * if the tag has a documentation on the OSMwiki
> Together with these changes i have crated the tagwatch sites for 24 
> countries. 
> All planet.osm excerpt are taken from
> If you miss a country and can point me to the location of the excerpt I'm 
> glad 
> to add this as well.
> I'll try to update these statistics at least once in the month now, as i feel 
> they are quite helpfull to detect common tagging errors and reflect what tags 
> are really in use in the community.
> website can be found at:
> the sourcecode can be found here:
> (I'll hope someone can add it to the svn, as i have no account there (and 
> general connecting problems with the university proxy here)

First of all, thanks for your work on improving this. It's interesting 
to see the actual tags being used.

One question: Is it possible to get the stats for the whole world or 
will this be too resource consuming? This might be very helpful for the 
feature proposals and other things.

Regards, ULFL

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