I've been loading routes provided by the United
Nations for the Southern 
Sudan and the UN has invited us to demonstrate these 
OSM maps at a UN 
conference in early February.  Ideally the maps should
be available on 
line, although we probably will also show off line

Unfortunately the Mapnik data is only half there (this
week) and doesn't 
render at all at zoom level 6 and below. These are all
long highways, 
there is not much detail that is worth zooming in for
at the moment.  
I've installed [EMAIL PROTECTED] and am waiting for a
password to upload 
generated images, however I'm not sure if I can
generate tiles for zoom 
level 6 at the moment. It looks like I can only
generate down to zoom 
level 8 using ./tilesGen.pl xy 151 118 8   (etc).

Can I do the same at zoom level 6? 


Neil Penman

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