On Jan 30, 2008 10:06 PM, Gervase Markham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dave Stubbs wrote:
> > So how much do you suppose they'd be willing to pay for this service? If
> > enough people want it, and enough people are willing to pay enough for
> > it, it may at some point in the future appear.
> > The problem is that you need hardware/network resources to offer this
> > kind of service, and those resources aren't usually free.
> But doesn't this point apply to the slippy map also? Why are we making
> that free,  if it consumes hardware and network resources?

Because it's nice to have some output?

All I was saying was that if we want more it needs paying for.
Be that OSMF, someone else, user pays, advertising pays whatever.

It was a serious question btw, how much would they be willing to pay for it?

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