On 30 Jan 2008, at 19:12, Igor Brejc wrote:

> Artem Pavlenko wrote:
>> Mapnik is that tool and it's also free and easy to use ;) . It is   
>> used in many exciting projects to generate custom maps e.g
>> http://www.everyblock.com/
>> http://www.placebase.com/
>> http://www.mysociety.org/2007/more-travel-maps/
>>> I believe Kosmos wants to fill that gap.
>> Kosmos is win32 only and it also relies on inferior GDI+ rendering.
> I don't want to start "which rendering engine/tool is better"  
> debate. Just my observation: I started developing Kosmos because I  
> felt there was a gap between "ordinary" (no derogatory meaning) OSM  
> users wanting to see their local OSM data immediately upon creating  
> it and heavy-duty rendering engines like Mapnik and [EMAIL PROTECTED] I don't 
> mean to criticize or anything, but I think installing Mapnik is  
> quite an undertaking for a non-developer (just by looking at the  
> Mapnik installation procedure).

Not if you use win32 binaries ;)  Mapnik can even have proper win32  
installer if you help.

> And yes, Kosmos is (currently, but hopefully not for long) win32 only

You're obviously capable developer. Please, make it cross-platform.

> and it does use inferior GDI+ rendering. But I think it serves its  
> purpose (well, at least for me it does and that's enough motivation  
> for me to continue improving it :) ).

Don't get de-motivated by my comments and carry on improving Kosmos.
> But I do appreciate hard work of other people on OSM.
> Regards,
> Igor
> -- 
> http://igorbrejc.net

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