> Your way with using URLs has a drawback, as it adds a dependency to the
> OSM Wiki. When the Wiki is down (or the URL moves or so) the rendering
> will missing the icons. However, might be a hypothetical issue ;-)

You might be able to circumvent the Problems by using the icons from one of 
the packages being able to install. There is already a debian package 
containing these icons in the repository at http://www.gpsdrive.de/debian/ 
And there will be a possibility to install these Icons seperately. So this 
would leave the burdon of which icons to use and which license they have to 
the skilled user. The only thing you'd have to make sure is that the 
base-path to the icons is the same as for the installed map-icons/. The other 
positive thing would be, if you let the user choose the basepth including the 
maptheme /use/share/icons/map-icons/classic.small/ you leave the decission to 
which theme to use automatically to the use too.

Jörg (Germany, Munich)

Tel.: +49 89 420950304
Skype: JoergOstertag

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