On 08/02/2008 16:12, bvh wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 08, 2008 at 04:52:55PM +0000, David Earl wrote:
>> On 08/02/2008 16:43, Iván Sánchez Ortega wrote:
>>> <-- <-- <-- <-- <--   highway = service
>>> Tree Tree Tree Tree   amenity = park
>> err... leisure=park
> err... is a line of trees a park?

A bigger question.

I see someone has already proposed landuse=tree_row

I wanted a tag for miscellaneous bits of open grass with trees and shrubs

but the most common comment on the mailing list was "I don't understand 
what the difference is between this and a park" (though no one has put 
that in the wiki page). So I gave up, even though I think they are very 
different. I've tagged my bits of open space as parks even though they 

Maybe I should resurrect this.


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