El Viernes, 8 de Febrero de 2008, wiseLYNX escribió:
> <-- <-- <-- <-- <--
> Tree Tree Tree Tree
> <----- <----- <----
> ----> -----> ----->
> Tree Tree Tree Tree
> --> --> --> --> -->

> Any suggestion about how to render all this? Even an example of an
> already done similar object could be useful.

Make one way per type of way in the avenue. E.g.:

<-- <-- <-- <-- <--   highway = service
Tree Tree Tree Tree   amenity = park
<----- <----- <----   highway = primary
<----- <----- <----   highway = cycleway
<----- <----- <----   railway = tramway
----> -----> ----->   railway = tramway
----> -----> ----->   highway = cycleway
----> -----> ----->   highway = primary
Tree Tree Tree Tree   amenity = park
--> --> --> --> -->   highway = service

*If* the central way does *not* have a division between the lanes, then join 
the two ways, and specify "oneway=false".

Just a suggestion, though.

Iván Sánchez Ortega <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

La esperanza es el sueño de un hombre despierto.- Aristóteles.

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