15,662 photos, occupying 9.5Gb.  Various resolutions.

On Feb 10, 2008 6:53 PM, John McKerrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi
> After a conversation on IRC I started wondering what the total disk
> space was that people had used for their OSM photos (the photos of
> road signs, postboxes, etc. that many people use for mapping). I
> thought I'd conduct a straw poll on here to see what numbers came
> out. I'm not looking for particularly accurate numbers so there's no
> need to strip out photos that were blurred etc, but please actually
> check rather than guesstimating. Also if there's any other thing that
> you do as part of mapping that uses disk space you could give that
> number too (though please identify it separately), for example I'm
> giving the compressed audio that I often record as well as photos:
> Photos: 2.3G
> Audio: 187M
> Don't bother with GPX tracks though as these are obviously stored on
> OSM's servers already. I'm not intending to make use of these numbers
> anywhere really, I'm not particularly planning to create an OSM
> equivalent of flickr (though that could be pretty cool), I'm just
> interested to see what the number is :-)
> Feel free to just reply to me directly rather than polluting the
> list, I'll give it a few days or a week and post a total.
> John
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