Alex Mauer wrote:

DavidD wrote:
According to map features the value for the lanes key should be.

"Number of travel lanes in each (or only permitted) direction"

I've been tagging to this definition.

"Number of travel lanes on the way"

This makes more sense to me because you can tag two way single lane
roads with lanes = 1. The map features definition on the other hand
doesn't give an obvious way to tag these roads. lanes = 0.5 perhaps.

It also runs into trouble with 3- and 5-lane roads. Tagging the total number of lanes makes a lot more sense to me. (per carriageway if applicable, since each should be mapped separately)

I have recently posted a similar question to the newbies list. There are two roads I've mapped recently where a short section has a width restriction meaning cars can only pass in one direction at a time, and I don't know how to map it. If lanes is the total lanes for a way this would work, but how does osmarender render this ?



Paul Hurley
The knack of flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.
   Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

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