On Donnerstag 13 März 2008, Jukka Rahkonen wrote:
> Hi,
> I found about 100 topology errors from polygons in Finland with the
> following work flow:
> - OSM-data are in PostGIS
> - I took polygons with topology errors directly into OpenJUMP map with db
> query: select * from osm_polygon where not  isvalid(way);
> - I used OpenJUMP topology check tool which creates a new point layer
>   showing the exact places of the errors
> - That layer I converted to gpx and loaded into JOSM. Then I downloaded OSM
> data
>   around error locations and made corrections.
> Usually this works rather well.  But then I faced such a ring
> self-intersection that I cannot correct it.  It is about a lake that
> intersects itself but also shares one node with a road.  The place is here:
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/index.html?mlat=61.277669238738454&mlon=28.855
> I was thinking that I should cut the lake polygon, draw a couple of new
> nodes and connect the lake together again, but I just cannot split the lake
> boundary. How should I do it?

I did split the street from the wood for you and seperated the two wood 
peaces. I hope this does help you in editing furter ...

Jörg (Germany, Munich)

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