On 22/03/2008, Jon Burgess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  On Sat, 2008-03-22 at 09:25 +0000, Andy Robinson wrote:
>  > I edited an area yesterday afternoon/evening which has been rendered
>  > overnight on the Mapnik layer. Great to see the quicker turnaround
>  > which I assume is using the daily diff?
> No, it was done with another full dump and import which was started
>  around 8.30pm last night. This was a side effect of testing a new
>  version of the planet dump code which adds the user display_name into
>  the export.

ok, thanks for the explanation.
>  > Anyway, I spotted two busts with what had been rendered. Both appear
>  > to be the last segment (section to the last node) missing. One on a
>  > railway and one on an unclassified road. The railway section actually
>  > affects three ways but two of them (one on a bridge) are two node ways
>  > and hence aren't showing up at all. Here are the two links:
>  >
>  > http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=52.55637&lon=-1.67496&zoom=15&layers=B0FT
>  >
>  > http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=52.51413&lon=-1.58315&zoom=17&layers=B0FT
>  >
>  > Both have rendered fine with Osmarender.
>  >
>  > I'm guessing this is an issue with missing data in the diff. Perhaps
>  > missing node info, since the second link isn't showing some new nodes
>  > I added either.
> Had you finished all the edits before 8.30pm? Maybe the dump just missed
>  some of your edits. I'll take a deeper look at the underlying data when
>  I get a chance.

I suspect that was the problem. I was editing at around that time in
more than one JOSM upload, so I must just have been unfortunate with
the timing.



>         Jon

Andy Robinson

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