
> I should point out that you can't synchronize an audio track to a GPS  
> track without the exact timing information.
> But I'm confused now - if I look at GPS tracks on the third tab of the  
> OSM home page, what I see is GPX style HTML with exact timestamps and  
> ordered tracks. So if it is public there why suppress it when accessed  
> through another route.

That's a common misunderstanding.

We store GPX tracks in two forms. One, the original GPX files, exactly
as uploaded, with whatever extra private information your GPS emitted
("waypoint 001, note=this is where I kissed Joanna yesterday"). These
are stored on the server, but only accessible to the public in this
"full" form if you explicitly make them public. (There's an API call
to retrieve lists of trace files and download the individual files if

Furthermore, any uploaded track, public or not, is processed by a
daemon and the individual GPS points with timestamps and a link back
to the file where they came from are stored in the database. The API
will, on request, return all GPS points within a certain bounding box,
but you will ONLY get GPS points, ordered by timestamp but you don't
see the timestamp, and you will not get the track structure or the
note about Joanna.

Apart from the web site where you can browse the individual tracks,
all clients use the second interface that gives access to all GPS
points, but not the extra data.

This means that you will never be able to match an audio track to GPS
points downloaded via the API "all GPS points in bbox" call, but
that's probably not what you want anyway.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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