Hash: SHA1

Dave Stubbs wrote:
| On Tue, Apr 8, 2008 at 1:04 PM, Robert (Jamie) Munro
|>  Hash: SHA1
|> Steve Hill wrote:
|>  | Putting all of the separate bits of the UK's M11 in a single relation
|>  | sounds about as silly as putting all the roads in the UK called
|>  | Road" in a single relation - they are separate roads and there is
no good
|>  | reason to treat them in any other way.
|>  Seriously, you can't see a difference between the M11, and the
|>  collection of roads called "High Street", all over the UK and even the
|>  world? You don't think that the second is just a bit more "silly" than
|>  the first?
|>  You don't think that searching for "M11" should produce one result for a
|>  road that covers the whole country, and searching for high street should
|>  produce hundreds of separate results?
| He was talking about disconnected bits, although it does depend to
| some extent just how disconnected the bits are as to how silly it is.
| I'm sure you can find some nice extreme examples to prove both
| arguments.
| I've no idea whether there are actually any disconnected parts of the
| M11 - as far as I was aware it's just about 50 miles in the SE of
| England - but anyway, that's completely irrelevant to the point.

I live about 200m from the A44 in Oxfordshire. I've always belived that
this is the road from the middle of Oxford to Aberystwyth, but you're
arguing that this is untrue. It's simply the road from Oxford to Moreton
in Marsh. It just happens to have the same ref as the road from Moreton
in Marsh to Evesham that starts about 60m along the A429 from the road
that passes me. Then there just happens to be another separate road with
the same ref in Evesham that goes to Worcester and so on until you reach
Aberystwyth. These roads have nothing to do with each other, and they
shouldn't form a relationship in the database, and I shouldn't expect to
~  get home from Aberystwyth by following them.

Robert (Jamie) Munro

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