On Tue, 8 Apr 2008, Cartinus wrote:

> Up till now I used the "node in the road" method. But lately I have been
> thinking about how routing applications would use osm data. I doubt bus
> companies will be using osm to route their busses. But when routing for
> pedestrians, you will want to be able to reach the bus stops.

Bus companies may not want to to use it for routing, but someone else 
might want to run a route planner for getting from A to B by public 
transport and on foot (there is one run by the UK government already I 
think?).  This would need to take account of bus stop location, direction 
as well as data from other sources such as bus timetables.

I think this is the one I was thinking of: http://www.transportdirect.info

  - Steve
    xmpp:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.nexusuk.org/

      Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

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