On Mon, Apr 21, 2008 at 10:46:53PM +0200, Frederik Ramm wrote:
> My question to the Mac users out there: Will those Macs be suitable
> for demonstrating all important aspects of OSM, i.e.
> * Slippy Map (heard rumours that it runs sub-optimal on Safari, 
>   always loading tiles for all layers instead of current only?)

I've heard this rumour as well, but use Safari as my primary browser and
have never had this issue. Safari 3.1 is 2x faster than FF3 and 10x
faster than FF2 at DOM manipulation, so in general, the slippy map will
be much faster on latest Safari than any other browser on mac.

> * JOSM (especially concerned about usability with 1 button mouse)

This is likely your sticking point. The inability to drag the map is a
real killer on JOSM, and I'm not aware of any decent ways of working
around it within the java on mac. (I do a *lot* of zooming in and out,
and use of the ctrl-arrows, whenever I need JOSM without an eexternal

> * Potlatch

Potlatch works great, and is primarily developed on an apple machine.

> * ...?

The PDFs from the export tab all work beautifully in Apple's

> Or will I have to install countless helpers, utilities and control
> panels?

Fix JOSM to drag with a single button mouse, and you should be golden.

Christopher Schmidt

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