Frederik Ramm wrote:

> How would a "native" Mac application deal with wanting to let the user drag
> the map and at the same time wanting to let him draw a selection rectangle?
> Would they have one drag mode and one select mode then, or a modifier key for
> one of the two actions?

A selection tool should auto-scroll the canvas as the selection rectangle
approaches the edge of the window (bonus points if the speed of scrolling is
proportional to the distance between the mouse and the boundary - selecting
up to the edge of the window should scroll slowly, selecting way past the
edge of the window should scroll quickly).

If there's a separate pan tool then a popular convention is that pressing
space will temporarily switch to the pan tool until space is released.

Unfortunately the standard only implements the second behaviour,
but if you have access to a copy of Photoshop then that's probably the best
model to copy.


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