Ulf Lamping wrote:

> This all sounds you're trying to cure the pain of not using buffered
> editing with adding another concept that will add another layer of
> confusion ...

Fine. I'm really not going to attempt and convince anyone here - one  
has to be a bit of a pig-headed UI fascist to develop stuff like  
this, otherwise you end up with design by committee which just  
doesn't work.

I think it's good that we offer editors that work in different ways;  
that there is more than one answer to the questions of "how's stuff  
written to the db and how do I avoid causing damage", although  
Potlatch doesn't adequately answer those questions yet; and that  
those who are arguing for a "save" button are trying to impose a  
model which doesn't suit Potlatch. You and Frederik and doubtless  
others disagree - as shown by the fact that you find something  
"painful" while I actively prefer it. That's fine, there's no  
monopoly on editors. I don't feel it's impossible to have a usable  
editor that doesn't work on the "prepare and commit" principle, and  
that's what I'm concentrating on building.


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