On Fri, May 02, 2008 at 10:40:42PM -0400, Christopher Schmidt wrote:
> > > in options, choose 'Aerial - OpenAerialMap' as background and you'll be 
> > > fine
> > 
> > hmm, i'm slightly baffled by that. the oam coverage for nz is
> > appalling at best and as an aside, i'd be very surprised if it was
> > better resolution than the yahoo imagery anywhere on the planet
> In the majority of the world, OAM and Yahoo! imagery are the same --
> both based on Landsat. The difference, in those areas, is that OAM will
> display tiles far above "1:1" ratio, as opposed to just giving a 'no
> data' message.
> Additionally, I highly doubt you will see anything higher resolution
> than
> http://openaerialmap.org/map/?lat=37.79202&lon=-122.32715&zoom=21&layers=BF
> in Yahoo! anywhere on the planet.

I am not local, but the openstreetmap.org data at the north side of the
canal does not seem to match what is on the imagery? More specifically
the raster of streets seems out of place.

cu bart

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