2008/5/7 Erik Johansson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>  True, But I think  landuse=brownfield should be banned, and all 300
>  ways tagged as such should be renamed to landuse=development &
>  demolition.

it's pretty uk-centric i agree; along with a lot of the tags in osm

actually, i think the whole landuse category is a lazy bodge; every
tag there can easily be replaced with something far more descriptive,
consistent and useful

>  It's very badly name if you aren't a native English speaker,
>  especially since it's included in the Potlatch auto complete feature.
>  Then again highway is also a strange tag name.

yes, it is a strange choice. it leads to irrationalities like
highway=footway and highway=cycleway
why we're not using right_of_way=motorway|primary|cycleway|footway|
and so on, i don't know

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