Andy Allan wrote:

> Seems sensible to me to have a shorthand. So where you have a type of
> crossing that's for cyclists and pedestrians but not horses nor
> canoes, and it's controlled by traffic lights (as opposed to not being
> controlled at all), we could do with a shorthand way to tag it because
> it's really common least in your corner of the world.  And it is vitally important 
that the renderers make special accomodations just for you.

> and typing four or five tags every time is tedious

Lets compare counts for each method.

"Zebra" crossing:
yours: 1 tag
other: 1 tag
"Pelican" crossing
yours: 1 tag
other: 2 tags
"Toucan" crossing
yours: 1 tag
other: 2 tags
"Pegasus" crossing
yours: 1 tag
other: 2 to 4 tags, depending on whether it is also a toucan crossing 
(From wikipedia: "If the crossing is to be used by pedestrians and 
cyclists too, then a parallel toucan crossing is placed next to the 
pegasus crossing."  Does that mean they should really be separate 
crossing points entirely?)

It's hardly "four or five tags every time."

> and lets face it - editors don't support language-neutral presets and

Surely preset definitions could be created in various languages, at 
least for JOSM.

> it constitutes 0.4% of all the data in the planet *alone*
> (...transport:space:vehicles:spaceshuttle=no...), 

Exaggerate much?  Ludicrous example aside, it's not as if defining an 
access tag for a new vehicle requires that it be explicitly applied to 
every entity in the database...

For what it's worth, while I agree completely with Steve Hill, I'd be 
fine with including the "shortcuts" just to make Andy happy.  It's not 
like anyone else has to apply or render them...

-Alex Mauer "hawke"

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