Brian Quinion wrote:

> The only problems I can see is that because it
> is centralised it is somewhat out of user control - so maybe it should
> make sense to pull the list of presets from a wiki page (once a day?)
> and there would be a small amount of server side load to implement it.

That would certainly be do-able.  People do need to be aware that 
exactly what a preset tag sets can change without notice as the wiki is 
updated, and that the changes will only affect new uploads though.

> I think some sort of quick marco language would be a bonus for all the
> editors esp. if they shared a standard format for defining them,
> although at that point I wonder if an api change is needed -
> downloading a formatted page from the wiki might be as easy esp. if it
> was cached by the editor.

That could be quite cool.  One thing that would be really useful is for 
the editor to tell me what options could be set for an object, and what 
their defaults are.  I.e. when I set a way to "highway=tertiary" it can 
tell me that I can set a name, ref, access restrictions, etc.  Maybe 
ordered by the popularity of the various tags and with tags that are 
semi-mandatory (such as the name of a residential road) in bold.  All 
that data can be pulled from wiki pages and tagwatch.  Sadly my Java 
skills are nonexistent. :(

> This might be a viable way of handling some country specific presets
> too, so pre:de:highway=autoban

That would be extremely useful since it would allow us to (more easily) 
throw away country-specific bits from the real data and move them out to 
a translation system to make editing easier.

> TBH regardless of the current discussion I think this would be a nice
> feature so I'll write it!

Neat - I look forward to it! :)


  - Steve

      Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

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