On Tue, 13 May 2008, Richard Fairhurst wrote:

> (The High Street in Oxford is nominally the A420, so we tag
> ref=A420, but it's no good as a through-route - the bollards are a bit
> of a giveaway - so we tag highway=tertiary.)

I'm left wondering why they haven't removed the A-road designation if they 
put bollards in...  Anyway, I'm going a bit off topic now. :)

> Skimming the thread, your road sounds like highway=unclassified;
> designation=bridleway. Or something - finding a consensus for
> designation= is left as an exercise for the reader.

horse=yes seems as descriptive as designation=bridleway.  I think I will 
settle on "highway=unclassified, access=private, foot=yes, horse=yes, 
bicycle=permissive, motorcar=permissive".  I don't actually know the 
status of bike and car access, but the fact that it has been signed as a 
bridleway indicates to me that pedestrians and horses have a legal right 
of way along there.

Thanks for the input folks.

  - Steve
    xmpp:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.nexusuk.org/

      Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

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