>It's not quite a 1:1 mapping - a UK bridleway also means "cycles 
>permitted by right" and a whole host of other stuff, so it's a 
>valuable piece of information in itself.

>By all means tag the individual users (horse=yes, bicycle=yes, etc.), 
>but I'd consider the official bridleway status a useful, taggable fact 
>in itself.

What I'd like to get some idea of is what people as a whole consider 
highway=bridleway on its own(with no foot/horse/etc tags added) to mean - 
do people on the whole consider this to be a public bridleway, or a 
permissive bridleway? On freemap I assume permissive unless foot/horse=yes 
is added, rather like highway=footway is assumed to be permissive (in view 
of the large number of permssive footways in towns).


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