Lester Caine wrote:
Chris Hill wrote:
I contacted the parish councils around my area, explaining what OSM is 
and suggesting that they might like to use OSM maps on their web sites 
and for local events.  I'm pleased to say there has been interest from 
four councils.  I've sent simple slippy map examples to the web site 
admins and they are beginning to appear.

I've also got a request to help with a couple of local events that use 
maps - I thought I'd use Kosmos to print maps with local overlays such 
as the locations of garage sales.

Maybe everyone should think about contacting their local councils ...

A hint on where you are based would help us identify which councils have 
already been covered ;)

I'm based in Swanland, East Yorkshire, UK. 

If a council is contacted more than once they might be persuaded to look at OSM. :-)

I'm going to spread the message to other villages in this area and I'm going to add a contact column to the list of villages in the East Yorkshire wiki page. 

Cheers, Chris
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