On 18 May 2008, at 10:15, Frederik Ramm wrote:

> Hi,
>> Can JOSM really do the GPX -> OSM -> GPX round trip without losing
>> lots of information though?
> Depends on what's there in the first place ;-) if you have a GPS that
> stores only lat/lon/time in the GPX then there's nothing much to lose.
> Extra bits that might be in the GPX, like hdop/vdop, speed etc.
> probably won't make it through.
> You said that you're not aware of a tool that does automatic filtering
> out "the occasional point 100 miles out" - gpsbabel can filter stuff
> that is outside a given polygon, or more than x units away from a
> given line, or more than x units away from a given point (-x polygon,
> -x arc, -x circle). Still requires manually specifying the reference
> points though.

It can filter based on distance since previous point. See


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