On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 9:12 AM, Dave Stubbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 5:04 PM, Alex Mauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hash: SHA1
> >
> > SteveC wrote:
> >> I'd like to define some roads that really don't have a name so that
> >> they drop off the noname map.
> >>
> >>       
> >> http://dev.openstreetmap.org/~random/no-names/<http://dev.openstreetmap.org/%7Erandom/no-names/>
> >>
> >> I've been adding noname:yes but I can see that might not be optimal.
> >> Maybe name:__none__. Or something.
> >
> > Sounds overcomplicated to me.  If you know something to be correct, just
> > ignore the warnings.
> But how do you tell someone else that it's correct?
> If I see there is an unnamed street I may go out of my way to find its
> name, only to discover it doesn't have one.... and that about 300
> different people before me have done the same thing.
> Dave

What about borrowing an idea from the TIGER import and have a "reviewed=yes"
tag? That would indicate that the information present has been independently
checked. This doesn't directly address the "no name" issue but it might
prevent 299 unnecessary visits.

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