On Mon, Jun 09, 2008 at 11:04:55AM -0500, Alex Mauer wrote:

||  Hash: SHA1
||  SteveC wrote:
||  > I'd like to define some roads that really don't have a name so that
||  > they drop off the noname map.
||  >
||  >   http://dev.openstreetmap.org/~random/no-names/
||  >
||  > I've been adding noname:yes but I can see that might not be optimal.
||  > Maybe name:__none__. Or something.
||  Sounds overcomplicated to me.  If you know something to be correct, just
||  ignore the warnings.

You can only do this in very rare circumstances, otherwise the
errors-to-be-ignored drown out the errors you need to see and fix. An
unnamed street is not such a rare circumstance, IMO.

Ciao.                                                        Vincent.
Vincent Zweije <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    | "If you're flamed in a group you
<http://www.xs4all.nl/~zweije/>      | don't read, does anybody get burnt?"
[Xhost should be taken out and shot] |            -- Paul Tomblin on a.s.r.

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