On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 04:43:36AM -0700, Alex S. wrote:
> Andy Allan wrote:
> > Meh. It's on my list of things to do, but to be honest I don't see it
> > as very important. There's lots of things that the cycle map doesn't
> > render at all, and for one I see distinguishing onroad/offroad cycle
> > routes as more important than the difference between tracktypes; ditto
> > for distinguishing bicycle=yes/no on footpaths and so on.
> I ride a bicycle with 'slicks' (tires with no tread) and like to avoid 
> tracks which are not paved.  Having a map with a nice visual indicator 
> of track type would be a boon.

No doubt that it's handy to know how approriate a way is. However, it is still 
not universally accepted that the subjective "tracktype" is the way to go. Your 
rendering could equally be done with a "surface=gravel, paved, cobblestone,..." 
tag, which is less ambigious.


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