2008/7/7 SteveC <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Yeah so if The Frederik Bus Company makes some diversions we'll have 7
> traces for every road they do.

Hmm, he never told me he was taking a mini van. But FWIW, all going
well he may be able to fill some gaps in County Kildare.

> And if we all do one road, then that's like, some number of roads crowd
> sourced.

Yes. What are you betting we end up with even more accuracy on the
routes from Dublin and Shannon Airport?

> How many roads are there in Limerick? Bet it equates to 2 or 3 per attendee.

Well, you try breaking it down such that they actually get covered.
But it's all good. In fact, SOTM has been very good for Limerick so
far, since its coverage has gone from hardly there to not bad at all
in a short space of time.

I had hoped that the National Roads would be fully mapped before SOTM,
but the gaps are annoyingly dispersed throughout the country. But we
should be able to sort out Clare before we go home anyway.


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